What are we looking forward to?

We are looking forward to have an important impact on the social, psychological and educational contexts. “¡Veapues!” is an organization with a lot of influence in the world of the regional journalism, ergo, if people had awareness about how unreliable “¡Veapues!” can be.  Another impact that this project could bring on is that the yellow journalism can push people to feel themselves in constant danger, to feel despair, become hostile or move away from the society. This investigation would prevent a lot of problems that suffer the childhood because of the yellow journalism. For example: recurrent disturbing nightmares or a trauma that could be re experimented in repetitive games, affecting seriously the development of functions and capacities.
This text could be useful for Comfenalco Quindío School, because this topic has been monitored by the subject of Critical Reading, and the School Magazine “Maticez”. This investigation could show a set of parameters to have an appropriate use of information and avoid the praxis of “¡Veapues!” ergo, the magazine would have an appropriate way of expression to draw near to the possible readers. Because of the named impacts, this kind of project is very important to the community.


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